Now that I've actually been getting packages out, I can start sharing some of my past SP knitting. This was for my downstream SP5,
mtwelovett; it was designed for Baby Bobbi Bear, but might end up fitting her typical model, Teddy, better. I designed and knit this in a fever-induced haze on the last weekend of the Olympics. I had finished the knitting on the
Roscalie Vest the month before, and was stuck in finishing purgatory. I wanted a nice quick fair isle project, and I wanted to try designing my own fair isle in minature, while the large one was still fresh in my mind. The designing took most of one day - I designed the fair isle patterns from scratch, but the real challenge was planning the dimensions. With the fever, I was constantly calculating and re-calculating and forgetting what I had already figured out (even with writing it down in the notebook). Fortunately the fever abated the next day, and I could knit it up without feeling like a Typhoid Mary. Then the real problem came - I had had the fun break of knitting it up, but then there was twice as much fair isle to finish.
Front of the vest:

Mini Me on the Full-sized Roscali:

I am partially consoling myself with the fun fair isle that I've done, since I only got 5th place at the state fair. Guess the first place last year was beginner's luck. Plus I think the fair has gotten a lot more competative in the past year or two. Ah well, at least it leaves me room to work my way up next year. Small Child wants a ribbon to go with the Reef fair isle cardigan I am going to knit for him (I don't know why he thinks he is going to keep it though...)