Closeup of DNA cables in Moss
Originally uploaded by thomasina. The Jamieson's DK is beautiful yarn. It feels like real wool (so yes, it is a bit on the scratchy side). But it is incredibly wiry and springy, and feels very good on the needles. It is also incredibly light -- I amuse myself by tossing the 170 yard ball into the air. I've knit with it on #4, #5, and #6, and the fives are perfect. It almost feels like what would come out of the spinnerette of a B-movie science fiction beast, or what spider silk would feel like magnified to macroscopic scale, though in a good way. And the

147 Moss yarn is beautiful; deep green with highlights of rust brown and yellow. Overall the other colors are just highlights, and it does not knit up particularly tweedy, of which I am not a fan. Alas, the yarn was too felty, dark, and just tweedy enough to make a poor choice for the DNA scarf. So this yarn is looking for a project (2 skeins, 340 yards total); the start of my yarn stash, but I don't regret buying it.