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i didn't see a link to elinor kents knit fractals.. no patterns, but beautiful insprirational knitting..



Helen -- thanks for the suggestion; the Eleanor Kent link is already up there, but it might not have been, and the list *is* quite long (in fact I am trying to figure out how to hide most of it behind a "break" so that it does not take over my whole blog!). She does incredible work, so I'm happy to see her highlighted a bit more in the comments.

Kirsten Watson

Thankyou so much for this! I just stumbled over it in a google search, and it's an incredibly useful thing. Thankyou!


Hey lady! Thanks for the linkage! I hope somebody out there enjoys wearing the scarf as much as my mom and I will. :)

the kitchener bitch

Have you also seen the dinosaurs at Extreme Knitting? There's a brontosaur (or whatever they call them now), a stegosaur, and a triceratops: http://www.xtreme-knitting.com/photos-dinosaurs.htm

Alex Galt


Thanks for mentioning my story, and I love that you're at least as geeky as I am.

By the way, my mom (who is an obstetrician) actually used a hand-knit uterus (with a plastic baby doll) to demonstrate a cerclage when she was interviewed on TV once. I don't think she knew about the knitty pattern, though.


Wow! I came here by searching for a pattern for a Klein Bottle hat (to make as a thank-you gift for a kind mathematician who is tutoring my son in trig) and this whole site is just AWESOME! Yay you for making it. And I love the blog title--I'm gonna be singing that all day now!


Have you seen hyperbolic surfaces reproduced in crochet? http://www.amcdonough.com/musings/archives/201
has links to Daima Taimina's work.

I hadn't realized how often I blog about knitting and math until reading your blog.

Alice Quint

Thank you for all this information: sometimes, it seems lonely out here, especially when I mention to folks that mathemathics and knitting are close relatives.


Just wanted to say helloo


keep up the good work!o


You guys do a wonderful job! Keep up the good work!!!

deirdre nelson

i have been working on a project with knitted fish and thought you may be interested http://members.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=taighchearsabhagh


These prayers help me to keep God in my life, especially with the many distractions I encounter.


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I praise God for answering my prayers. God, you are so wonderful, majestic. Jesus Christ, I adore Your Sacred Heart.


These prayers help me to keep God in my life, especially with the many distractions I encounter.


I can find the prayer I want. I thank God for this website.

Beverly Simmons

What a great site! Lots of ideas & inspiration. Thought you might like to know about the free pattern I just posted for an afghan based on the MC Escher Seahorses tessellation. http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/escher-seahorse-afghan-2

geeky girl

I absolutely love the Linux Illusion scarf, but I don't read Finnish and all translation links are faulty. What a bummer... ;(
Does anyone know of any other translations for this pattern?


Hey There,

I'm a knitting desiginer, and I just had this pattern published at Knit Picks. I would be honored beyond all reckoning it were included here on your Geeky Knitting page.

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This is l'age d'or of geeky knitting!

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Since there is so much free moebius online, you might wonder why you would ever pay for a book based primarily on moebius shapes.

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